What is happening?468 million children currently live with the effects of violence and armed conflict - and this number is steadily growing.

We support children to regain their right to safety

War Child

Our work to repair and uphold child protection structures
“These children have been affected by war. They are looking for people that make them feel safe. There is fear in their eyes – but also hope. In that hope we can see their resilience. And that resilience is the way forward."
Melad, War Child Lebanon
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Moving beyond anger for Nelson in Uganda

Rebuilding the necessary structures

The structures necessary to maintain the safety of children and youth often break down in times of armed conflict - leaving children and youth exposed to risks including violence, abuse and sexual exploitation.

We work to put these structures back together - partnering with communities and official bodies to safeguard the fundamental rights of children and youth and strengthen child and youth protection systems.

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Children from one of our programmes in Sri Lanka

Photo: Geert Snoeijer

Nelson and his family in a reception centre in Uganda_War Child_190917.jpg

Family in a reception centre in Uganda

Photo: Michael Jessurun

Prevention and response

War Child’s child and youth protection programming focuses on prevention and response to abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation of children and youth whose lives are affected by conflict. Our work with individual children utilises a ‘case management’ approach to ensure children receive the appropriate and targeted support they need.

We also work with communities to help establish community-owned structures that serve to uphold the safety of children and youth.