What is happening?Neither viewed as children in need of care, nor as adults who can take on responsibility, youth are falling through the cracks of humanitarian responses. They are regularly stigmatised as troublemakers and peace-spoilers, while, in reality...

....youth take great risks to drive change and build peace in their communities

Enhancing the innate power of the next generation of change makers

Why work with youth in conflict-affected settings?

Young people are affected by conflict in specific ways. Violence and displacement disrupt their transition to adulthood and diminish their ability to secure education and employment. It also severely limits them from establishing stable relationships and engaging in social and political decision-making processes. This is particularly dangerous as the next generation are key to shaping these processes and bringing about change and peace in their communities. Despite being side-lined, youth still hold the power to get their voice heard.

“Young people often have the answer to the challenges they face. As humanitarian actors, we need to stop thinking we know the answer, and rather co-create solutions together with young people themselves."
Elena Butti, Youth Empowerment Specialist
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Our leadership and life skills project, SAHA, brings together youth in Lebanon through football and other sports

Photo: War Child

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'Framtidshoppet' provides mentorship to support refugee minors in finding employment and stability after graduation

Photo: War Child

Amplifying Youth's Power and Agency

Our programmes support youth in amplifying their innate power and agency. We increase their ability to constructively shape their lives and those of their communities. We see our role as supporting and enhancing young people’s ability to take charge, while helping them to remove the barriers that prevent them from exercising this ability fully.

We support youth to build a platform where they can engage directly with civil society. From poverty to the climate crisis, we also help them identify key challenges in their communities and work within the limits of their environment to tackle them. We do this through a variety of activities such as mentorship and professional development, sport and art, research and advocacy as well as through the set-up of youth-led spaces.

“In Colombia, we co-create our programmes together with youth. We see this as extremely important as young people form a core part of the social fabric; they are fundamental to achieving sustainable peace."
Julieth Pacheco, Communications Officer, War Child Colombia
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Through music, dance and creative platforms, we support youth to claim their voice

Photo: War Child


Entrepreneurship and vocational training programs help young people prepare for the job market or open a freelance business

Photo: War Child