Coronavirus response activities

Read about our global coronavirus response activities
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19 June 2020:
COVID-19 Response: Shielding The Most Vulnerable

The coronavirus pandemic is now reaching communities already facing the impacts of violence and armed conflict. Through our emergency response War Child is taking every action to stop the spread of the virus and meet the needs of the most vulnerable children and communities.

“Our efforts during this emergency aim to ensure no child is left behind”, says War Child Holland managing director Tjipke Bergsma. “That means stepping up our efforts to meet the needs of the most vulnerable communities wherever we are present - the children and families in refugee camps who simply cannot exercise physical distancing, the countries where political tensions are already at boiling point.”

12 June 2020:
TeamUp Continues Support for Sri Lanka’s Youth

Restrictions on movement to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka have eased in recent days - yet opportunities for children and youth to attend school and interact with their peers remain limited. This - coupled with food insecurity - has placed a significant psychological burden on young Sri Lankans.

In response War Child - together with Save the Children and UNICEF Netherlands - has adapted the TeamUp programme to meet the needs of Sri Lankan children and youth living with the effects of the pandemic.

Our team has developed a streamlined ‘TeamUp at Home’ activity book - a collection of movement exercises for children to take part in at home with their siblings. The collection of exercises is designed to uphold the wellbeing of children living in lockdown with the negative pressures arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

TeamUp volunteer facilitator Thevarasa explains how children benefit. "Because children cannot go about their lives like before, and live with fear about the COVID-19 virus, they are challenged with depression," she says. “"The exercises help children to maintain their health and develop understanding [of their situation].”

“All of this allows children to get rid of depression, fear and lead a joyful life."

04 June 2020:
‘I Learn from Home’ - thanks to Back to the Future

Back to the Future - our coalition programme to address the educational needs of children affected by the crisis in Syria - continues in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The coalition members - including War Child - have adapted the educational activities at the heart of the programme to be delivered remotely in support of refugee children across Lebanon.

These efforts have seen War Child, Terre des Hommes Italy and AVSI team up with education specialists Seenaryo to create ‘I Learn from Home’ - an app-based, eight-week distance learning programme. The app contains 100 games, 200 songs and dozens of stories linked to the national primary-level curriculum. All content is based on the ‘Seenaryo Toolkit’ of educational resources (see image). Parents and caregivers monitor children’s learning progress as they complete each course module.

Now in its third week, the new programme has already met with positive feedback from caregivers and children. Nazha - a mother of two who lives in Khenchara - guides her four year old son Jaber through the course while her young baby goes to sleep during the day. “Jaber eagerly awaits the lesson every day,” she affirms. “He looks forward to me receiving the instructions and then teaching.”

Find out more about the Back to the Future programme.

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02 June 2020:
Adapting 'Shield' to the New Reality in Lebanon

In Lebanon the #COVID-19 pandemic has required our team to find creative new ways to deliver vital support to children across the country. The outbreak of the pandemic put a temporary halt to our integrated child protection programme Shield - until our teams developed a remote learning solution.

Find out how we are supporting children to continue learning amid the pandemic’s lockdown restrictions - using pre-recorded lessons and WhatsApp to bring the classroom direct to their homes.

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War Child is continuing its support for children and families in all our countries of operation as the coronavirus pandemic expands. Our efforts during this emergency aim to ensure no child is left behind.

  • We are working to protect communities against the spread of COVID-19 through public health campaigns
  • We are supporting local organisations to maintain life-sustaining resources - including water and sanitation
  • We are also developing remote child protection, education and psychosocial support for children and caregivers living with the effects of isolation