occupied Palestinian territory

Meet Mona & Alaa (10)

Being a child in Gaza is an extraordinary challenge. Not just because of the prolonged blockade, which seems to stretch endlessly throughout one's childhood, but also due to the ever-present threat of sudden bombings.

Watch video "I was sleeping when a bombing occurred near my house and the window fell on me, resulting in a sudden awakening filled with fear."

War Child supports conflict-affected children in some of the most vulnerable areas of the occupied Palestinian territory. Working closely with local NGOs, community-based organisations and government bodies, we protect children from harm and support their psychosocial wellbeing using holistic and integrated approaches. We work to improve access to mental health, remedial education and child protection services – with specific support to adolescent girls who have experienced trauma and engage in strategies to resolve interpersonal conflict.

We empower community members - particularly young people and educators - to equip children with the skills to cope with life amidst violence and occupation – as well as parents and caregivers - strengthening their resilience and ability to provide nurturing family environments.

And whenever we see children’s rights being violated - no matter by whom - we speak out, working closely with duty-bearers to prevent further violations.

Our Projects

Curious to learn more about a specific project? Click on the pins in the map below.

Our projects








  • Quality, accessible and relevant education

    West Bank including East Jerusalem

    This landmark initiative seeks to improve education for children affected by violence and occupation in the West Bank. They are supported to access schools and safe spaces and to receive quality teaching. They are offered psychosocial interventions and teachers and school counselors are empowered to identify children in need of mental health support and refer them to available services. Learn more

  • Safety and support at school

    West Bank (Areas B and C)

    This project provides vulnerable children affected by the protected crisis in the West Bank with a safe and enabling learning environment. It provides improved access to psychosocial support and child protection services at both the school and community levels.

  • Support and protection from conflict and gender-based violence

    North West Bank (Area C)

    This OCHA-funded project responds to the many protection risks vulnerable children and their caregivers face in the West Bank. It provides specialized child protection, mental health and psychosocial support services and specialised support for survivors of or at risk of, gender-based violence.

  • Emergency protection from conflict-related violence

    West Bank including East Jerusalem

    This humanitarian initiative provides emergency protection to conflict-affected children and communities in the West Bank. It includes community-based child protection, counselling, specialised disability care and services for survivors of gender-based violence. It also empowers local partners to respond to emergencies and to deliver psychosocial and child protection interventions.

  • Protection and wellbeing for children with and without disabilities

    West Bank including East Jerusalem 

    This project provides community-based child protection, mental health and psychosocial support services to conflict-affected families and children with or without disabilities and those at risk of violence and abuse.

  • We Rise

    West Bank and Gaza
    A unique initiative, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to improve the participation of women and girls in national decision-making processes while seeking to redress the persistent violation of Palestinian women’s fundamental rights. It aims for civil society to contribute to an enabling environment that empowers Palestinian women and girls to combat violence and fully engage in state, security, and peacebuilding processes by 2025.

  • Promoting safe and inclusive education

    An EU-funded project is aimed at improving access to safe, equitable, quality and inclusive education to marginalized children in Gaza, working holistically with children, teachers and caregivers.

  • Tackling conflict and gender-based violence

    Gaza and in the West Bank (Area C) 

    This emergency response project seeks to improve child protection and mental health and psychosocial support services amongst women, children and families affected by conflict- and gender-based violence. Working in 22 communities, it aims to protect children against violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect, reduce distress and empower caregivers to support children.

Key Partners

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European Commission

Whenever there is a disaster or humanitarian emergency, the EU provides assistance for the affected countries and populations.

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nederlands partner War Child

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands is actively involved in various humanitarian efforts around the world. They provide assistance and support in response to crises, conflicts, and natural disasters.

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Sahar Smoom is our Country Director in the occupied Palestinian territory. For programme and collaboration enquiries, please reach out below.