Can't Wait To Learn: boosting education outcomes

Jan. 12, 2021

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Some 59 million children of primary school age affected by armed conflict have no access to education - and innovations are urgently required to bridge this learning gap. Our digital education programme Can't Wait to Learn is designed to meet this challenge. A scientific study shows that it has led to significant improvements in both literacy and numeracy.

Millions of children worldwide are currently denied their fundamental right to a quality education. These children predominantly live in environments where resources are scarce and classrooms are inaccessible or even dangerous. New approaches to both expand access to quality education and improve learning outcomes - approaches backed by evidence and robust research - are urgently required.

Effective learning solution

Can’t Wait to Learn provides an effective and cost-efficient solution to close this education gap for millions of children worldwide. The digital tablet-based programme provides children with access to quality education based on national curricula - both inside communities and in formal school settings. It offers children the chance to (continue to) learn to read, write and count through playing educational games specifically designed to reflect the worlds they live in.

Can’t Wait to Learn is currently active in six countries, including Sudan.

Our academic study in the latest Journal of Development Effectiveness has shown that in Sudan the programme led to significant improvements in mathematics competency and literacy among children aged from seven to nine. Evidence was also found that Can’t Wait to Learn contributed to increased psychosocial wellbeing. Read the key findings of the research article in our digest.

How the study was conducted

Eight villages in Sudan took part in the study. Half of the villages had an existing learning centre for out-of-school children. The remaining four villages without a learning centre received Can’t Wait to Learn. In total 194 children took part in the study over a six month period - and the two cohorts were compared at its end.

Ready for scale

Can't Wait to Learn has been informed by research since its inception - particularly with regard to replication and scale up. The findings from the Sudan study will further progress the programme's international efforts to ensure equitable access to quality education.

The programme’s research base will deepen further thanks to a collaboration with the Global Partnership of Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX). This new research initiative focuses on generating knowledge and evidence to inform and support education policy and practice. The research will contribute towards efforts to strengthen education systems and improve learning outcomes on a global scale.