Children Affected by War and Corona Face a More Secure Future Through Remote Education

Sept. 3, 2020

Girl Laila learns through tablet education in Lebanon_Can't Wait to Learn_War Child_200802
For children like Laith and Laila who have lost their families, friends and homes due to war, school is much more than just a place to learn. It is where they feel safe in times of stress and insecurity. But due to the coronavirus pandemic, schools around the world have closed and children affected by war have had to miss out on the support their schools provide. To address this gap, War Child is now supporting children in crisis areas with quality remote education.

Consequences for their future

Currently, 463 million children worldwide do not have access to remote learning. The millions of children living in conflict areas are doubly impacted. Not only do they face the harsh reality of not being able to get to their schools due to war and conflict – but now also face the added burden of their schools closing due to COVID-19. This is having a severe impact on their education. "We will eventually reach a point where children can no longer make up for their learning disadvantages. This will have major consequences for their development and their future," says Tjipke Bergsma, Director of War Child.

“We must prevent a whole generation of children growing up without a future. If they can't go to school, we have to find ways to bring school to them."
Tjipke Bergsma - Director of War Child
Safe Space where children get education and support_War Child Holland_Jordan

With schools closed many children miss out on education. This could have major consequences for their development and their future.

New approach

War Child is now urgently addressing this education crisis by working with children and their communities to develop innovative solutions that address children’s core educational needs. This ranges from setting up school radios, creating educational programmes for mobile phones and providing support through applications like WhatsApp. Children in Lebanon, for instance, can now access education via digital tablets on which they can learn to count, write and read in a playful manner. This is a critical support to children and War Child is aiming to extend its support to thousands more who are impacted by the pandemic.

Girl in Lebanon learns through educational gaming technology Can't Wait to Learn_War Child_200802

Education on digital tablets ensures children can continue to learn to count, write and read remotely in a playful manner.

Counting on a future

"Children are resilient and inventive - they always find a way," says Tjipke Bergsma. "We have to follow their example and do the same if we want to prevent an entire generation from dropping out of the educational system. There are ways to ensure every child can receive an education and support, even in a crisis situation. We need to find these solutions and deliver them."

“Because every child affected by conflict is counting on a future. And War Child exists to support them to achieve this."
Tjipke Bergsma