New Partnership to Reach More Children in Need

Nov. 17, 2021

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War Child has announced a new partnership with ChildFund International. The two organisations will combine forces in their mutual goal to reach and protect more children affected by conflict, disaster and displacement.

200 Million Children in Active War Zones

War Child reaches many thousands of children and youth every year - yet there are 200 million children living directly with the effects of violence and armed conflict. We will never reach them all by ourselves - which is why our strategic goal is to become the ‘networked expert organisation’ for children affected by conflict.

This reflects our active pursuit of global partnerships in recent months, including new relationships with SOS Children’s Villages, BRAC International and several others.

Shared Strengths, Double Impact

Through our collaboration with ChildFund, we have a unique vision in mind. One in which we can pool resources, learn from each other and most importantly capitalize on shared strengths.

“We embark on this partnership at a time of clamor for greater efficiency in the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding sector”, says Vladimir Hernandez, War Child Partnership Coordinator. “With dwindling resources and increasing needs around the world, we need to get smart about service delivery and use our shared expertise to create new business models for our interventions and humanitarian responses.”

“We embark on this partnership at a time of clamor for greater efficiency in the humanitarian sector."
Vladimir Hernandez, War Child Partnership Coordinator

Furthering Our Evidence-Based Approach

To this end, the two organisations hope to double their advocacy and fundraising efforts as well as knowledge-building and training activities to support children in conflict-affected countries such as South Sudan, Colombia and Uganda. Beyond these important scaling ambitions, we’ve also agreed to further our research and development wing.

“It’s not only about reach but also showing impact; making a tangible difference in the lives of children”, says Paul Bode, ChildFund Vice President of Global Operations. “ChildFund aligns with War Child’s evidence-based approach; the testing and research that goes into each and every one of their interventions”.

“We have a unique opportunity to progress this and find out what works for both organisations - but above all for the children. It’s great to be among friends.”